Monday, 10 March 2014

Shun politics of hulla bol

Jawed Khurshid - MediaEye

HallaBol – a concept popularized by late SafdarHashmi, a human rights ideologue and NukkadNatak exponent, has gained currency among various outfits – political as well as apolitical.

Mumbai is now witnessing the same, albeit with a Halloween twist, as droves of flag fluttering bikes vroom past in threatening proposition. Are they part of the same old political process that visualizes transition post election sans any tantrums?

Political parties have undergone a sea change since independence. The iconic austerity that marked every general election, then, is missing now. Earlier, men in khadi used to visit electorates in their constituencies with folded hands and customary smiles, requesting for their votes. Now it has been replaced by bike shows, shakti-pradarshan (through rallies, dharnas and bandhs or strikes) andtod-phod (destroying public properties).

Expressing dissents on policies is a natural right and granted to every citizens in democratic polity. Can anybody question this? Those who do are labeled as despots and autocrats, and rightly so. They become part of ignominious history, like Libya’s Gaddafi and Egypt’s Hosni Mubarak.

Ironically, for today’s democrats the yesteryears’ people-centric approach remains a hangover. They provide various sops to keep electorate in good humor; the major economic benefits literally fell into the kitties of nation’s economic majors. FDI may trigger employment and provide semblance of orderliness to retail sectors but it is the corporate who will be the real beneficiary.

The general election is round the corner and with this the politicos have upped their ante in a horde to outmaneuver each other. The bike shows or halla bol to bolster their presence on city’s electoral map are greatly disturbing. The chaos, long jams and at times conflicts between political opponents too emerge, which has an ominous portent – that may mar the peace of this cosmopolitan city.

Today the gizmos have occupied the people, particularly the youth’s imagination. Facebook, twitter, et al are there to connect to the people particularly the genX, most political parties are eying for. This would ensure wider reach and exposes one to more interactive sessions a far cry for disturbing hulla bol.

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